Our Supporters
We Thank the Following Donors for Their Kind Support!

Concert Underwriters
Missouri Arts Council
Arts KC
Mike & Kim Vandenberg
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
Thomas Gilbert, Jr.
Cheryl Hanback -
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Juergens
Conductor's Circle
Steve & Sherry Adams
Sherry Polito
Principal Chair
Inga Barringer
Lloyd and maxine Briggs
Robert and Clarice Davidson
Dean & Pamela Becker
Dyrk and Kris Dugan
Robert & Lynn West
Ron & Vivian Phillips
James E Lampkin
June and Kendall McDonald
Bill Steele
Victor and Kathryn Monson
Brenda Moore-Wells
William and Peggy Parolin
William and Joan Vaughn
Gerald and Gail Ward
Steven and Margaret Barnhart
Lois E. Bogart
Timothy and Rene Burrow
Norm and Joann Dufresne
Albert and Betty Dusing
Charmaine Fowler
Edwin and Virginia Trainor
Leo and mary Sue Winneke
Donald and Mary Wolf